How we created an endless amount of very special invitations


Copenhagen Convention Bureau is the B2B leg of Wonderful Copenhagen, which means that their job is to attract businesses to our wonderful capital – in this case to host their next event or conference. But after the pandemic, there has been a serious decline in business travel, and a lot of events have moved online.

Because of this, competition has become increasingly fierce – and to top it up, the selection process is long and heavy, and includes a lot of stakeholders. All of this means that the audience is forced to consider at least a handful of host cities.

Task –Growing a thriving business

So how could we make sure that Copenhagen would stand out in their board room meetings where the final decision would be made?


We created a useful tool for them! A digital service that allowed them to create their own beautiful event videos – filled with information about their event as well as why Copenhagen would be the perfect host city. All wrapped up in a concept called “Your Invitation”.

How did it work?

Through a brief and simple online survey, we allowed future visitors to envision their next big event in Copenhagen — by creating personalized videos based on industry sector, interests, number of delegates, event themes and so on.

Beyond being more customized and inspiring than our competitors’ usual Powerpoint, the campaign and customization tool secured rich leads as well as a vast amount of data for Copenhagen Capacity.

Results so far

The campaign has just been launched and is performing so well that we have already been asked to create an additional version of the tool.

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