Career site

A new career site

The users were lost in the different educations the Danish Defence had to offer. Multiple programs were spread out over different domains using an outdated CMS. This led to a frustrating target audience who was met with an everlasting task to find new career opportunities. With more than 20,000 employees and over 40 different programs, the Danish Defence had to come up with a new and modern solution. In order to do so, the Danish Defence teamed up with us at Ogilvy.

The Danish Defence needed a new career site that met the demands of a new digital generation. The website should speak the same language as the target audience and be easy to navigate – both from an internal and external perspective.

In collaboration with the client, we created a concept where the user could gain easy access and filter in more than 40 educational programs. We made it easy to see which specifications were needed for the different programs the Danish Defence had to offer.

By creating a solution that was simple to use, we made the path from interest to execution shorter. A simple user journey made it easier for the target audience to get an overview of jobs and educational opportunities. In other words, we made a complex organization look and feel simple by converting over 300 subpages to only 139 pages. Simple navigation wrapped in a visually appealing user-interface controlled by an effective CMS-platform made it all possible.

By including a visually appealing layout, we generated a digital experience that brings the target audience closer to life in the army. Images and film create an inspiring environment that makes the user want to explore different careers, which is made easy by smart navigation.

We created a website with state of the art UX that was optimized for lead generation. The career site is now considered to be the key driver in the digital ecosystem of the Danish Defence. We had to find a way to transform the target audience’s perception of the Danish Defence as well as their education programs. Through insight-based creativity and by recommending a new efficient CMS system, we managed to redefine the image and user experience of Danish Defence’s education programs.

Please check out the finished career site here.

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